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The development of modern shipping services in...

"The State Council on the healthy development of the maritime industry to promote a number of opinions" after the introduction of health as the key to the development of the maritime industry. Not the rapid development, nor is the scientific development, the state alone put forward the healthy development of the maritime industry, meaning profound, aimed at ...

Release date:2017-07-19
Logistics national standard release, July 1 fr...

The main contents of the four national standards of logistics1, the basic requirements of logistics documentsThis standard specifies the basic principles, requirements, elements and requirements for the filling and use of documents in the field of logistics and warehousing. The standard applies to the preparation and application of documents in the field of logistics....

Release date:2017-07-19
Traffic on the highway transport companies sho...

In the logistics company seems security is the most important point of enterprise development, so whenever you have to comply with the rules of transport and traffic regulations, shall not be good at advocating breach of regulations. Service no matter how good, but security can not guarantee everything is empty. Now let the Beijing logistics company to introduce some ...

Release date:2017-07-19
New Trend of Rapid Freight Transportation in C...

Chinas road freight industry in adapting to the needs of the national economic development at the same time, faced with many difficult to solve their own contradictions and problems, the face of the growing commodity economy, increasing the timeliness of the strong, high value-added products, the public more and more The stronger the value of time and the increasingly...

Release date:2017-07-19
Enterprise extensive management, low degree of...

Chinas road transport market is one of the earliest industries open to society after the reform and opening up. With the increase of individual, joint households and social vehicles entering the transportation market, the market share of long-term dominated state-owned and collective large and medium-sized transportation enterprises Showing a downward trend year by ye...

Release date:2017-07-19
Road freight station facilities simple, functi...

The cargo terminal is the place where the cargo transportation organization is carried out. At present, there are more than 2,500 LTL freight stations (points) in the whole country, but the majority is warehouse type, small scale, simple facilities, single function and no room for expansion. The vast majority belong to the enterprise own, for personal use, closed type...

Release date:2017-07-19
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